
The BRICS Network Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology is established as the organisational support of the initiatives defined by the STI Ministers of the BRICS countries on 27 October 2015 in the 2015-2018 BRICS Work Plan for Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The BRICS Network Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology is established as the organisational support of the initiatives defined by the STI Ministers of the BRICS countries on 27 October 2015 in the 2015-2018 BRICS Work Plan for Science, Technology, and Innovation.


The BRICS Network Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (BRICS-NCMSN) is established as the organisational support of the initiatives defined by the STI Ministers of the BRICS countries on 27 October 2015 in the 2015-2018 BRICS Work Plan for Science, Technology, and Innovation. The main objectives of the Centre are to establish cooperation in the field of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, to facilitate shared use of research equipment and/or facilities in the key areas of cooperation, and to organise conferences in the thematic areas of common interest.

The BRICS-NCMSN is a non-profit academic consortium uniting and networking, on a voluntary basis, leading universities, and research organisations of BRICS countries in the fields of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

The official name of the Centre in Russian

Сетевой Центр Материаловедения и Нанотехнологий стран БРИКС (СЦМН БРИКС)

The official name of the Centre in Chinese


The official name of the Centre in Portuguese

Rede BRICS de Ciências dos Materiais e Nanotecnologia (BRICS-RCMN)

The Lead coordinating agency of BRICS-NCMSN in each BRICS country (Focal Points), which are responsible for the organisational work in BRICS-NCMSN, are nominated by respective BRICS Ministries for Science, Technology, and Innovation of the respective countries. Russia, being the Lead-Coordinator of the Working Group on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, will be the Lead-coordinator of BRICS-NCMSN. In order to carry out the work of NCMSN, the Russian side proposes to establish an office located at Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, (Yekaterinburg, Russia); this office is responsible for the overall coordination of BRICS-NCMSN activities.

The key objectives of BRICS-NCMSN

  • to arrange for international cooperation between members of BRICS-NCMSN in education, research, and training activities in the field of materials science and nanotechnology;
  • to identify high-priority areas of research in materials science and nanotechnology for joint international research projects and determine topics for supporting research and technologies in local domains;
  • to raise financial and material resources from public and private funding sources for the development of research, technology and innovation in the field of materials science and nanotechnology in the form of grants for scientific and technological projects of research groups, universities and scientific institutions;
  • to create a web portal with information on all available measurement facilities available for the use of members of NCMNS and to coordinate and facilitate such access (to) the members for scientific and technological projects approved by NCMNS;
  • to organize international scientific and methodological conferences, workshops, and other activities for the promotion of science, technology and innovation;
  • to conduct comparative analyses of the educational systems at various levels (bachelor, master, and doctoral programs) in the fields of materials science and nanotechnology, and arrange educational exchange programs in these fields;
  • to facilitate joint training of doctoral students, including joint supervision, in these fields.