3rd Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Materials Science and Nanotechnology

In accordance with the BRICS STI Calendar of Activities for 2021, the 3rd Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Material Science and Nanotechnology took place from October 26 to 28, 2021, in the city of Manaus, Brazil in a hybrid format – in-person and by videoconference.
The meeting was organized by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas (IFAM) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and chaired by Dr. Felipe Silva Bellucci (MCTI).
The main points discussed at the meeting:
1. Presentation of main information on the Scientific, Technological and Innovative Ecosystem in Materials and Nanotechnology, focused on open infrastructures;
2. Presentation of main information on the Amazonian Scientific, Technological and Innovative Ecosystem on Materials and Nanotechnology and discussions about BRICS Ecosystem;
3. Presentation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Institutes – STI (Potential members/partners at BRICS-NCMSN);
4. Russian Presentation of Nano network activities, Webpage work and Network Logo, as the Executive Secretariat;
5. Possibility of reviewing the priority area for BRICS cooperation in the field of Material Science and Nanotechnology. On this issue, the delegates understood that such debate should take place in a future opportunity.
The results of the meeting indicated in “Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of BRICS WG on Material Science and Nanotechnology 26-28 October 2021 (Brazil)”
The next Working Group meeting will be held in South Africa during 2nd half of 2022. The exact dates will be announced later.